There are numerous ways to make a donation to the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad (BCCRS).
There are numerous ways to make a donation to the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad (BCCRS).
Click here to make a secure and quick “In Memoriam” or “In Honor Of” donation to Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad. We gladly accept donations using VISA, MasterCard, and PayPal. Online “In Memoriam” and “In Honor Of” donations can be one time or monthly via your credit card or PayPal.
“In Memoriam” and “In Honor Of” donations to Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad provide a perfect vehicle to remember loved ones. These donations are used for the general operations of the Rescue Squad to pay for such items as fuel, utilities, medical supplies, vehicle maintenance, and a host of other of other expenses.
When we receive “In Memoriam” and “In Honor Of” donations, we send the family(ies) or person(s) a special letter acknowledging that a donation has been made in their name without advising them of the amount of the donation. We also send a letter to the donor confirming the donation has been made to Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad.
We are a volunteer organization that does not receive any direct funding from Montgomery County, the State of Maryland, the District of Columbia, or the Federal Government. BCCRS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Thus, your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Your “In Memoriam” and “In Honor Of” donations allow more than 150 volunteer members to perform our life-saving mission 365 day a year!
Donations via mail are gratefully accepted by B-CC Rescue Squad. We accept checks and credit card donations using our donation card. These donations are normally used for the operational expenses of the Squad to pay for such items as fuel, utilities, medical supplies, vehicle maintenance, and a host of other daily expenses. All mail donations are acknowledged in writing by the Squad. To donate by mail, please download the BCCRS Donation form; complete and mail it to us with a check or credit card information at:
Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad
5020 Battery Lane
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Uniformed members of Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad knock on doors once a year in the communities we serve to solicit donations for the general operations of the rescue squad. Donations to a uniformed volunteer may be made by Cash, Check, VISA, and MasterCard. Donations may be: (a) given directly to our uniformed members; (b) mailed to the Rescue Squad; or (c) charged online at
Your donations are used for the general operations of the Rescue Squad and pay for such items as fuel, vehicles, medical supplies, vehicle maintenance, among other expenses. Your tax-deductible donation allows our more than 150 volunteer members to perform their life-saving mission.
Estate and Trust Donations:
Gift via wills, estates, and trusts are three of the most popular ways to help the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad with our life-saving mission. Donating to B-CC Rescue Squad in your estate plan not only provides financial benefits to the Squad, it may also provide tax benefits to your estate. All individuals who plan their estates should plan to make a charitable contribution in their final disposition, even if there are no tangible financial benefits for doing so. However, there are some specific advantages to making a donation in your will, estate or trust plan. The Internal Revenue code allows individuals and corporations as well as trusts and estates to take an income tax deduction for their charitable contributions. A deduction is afforded for the donations to charities of both cash and property, but the deduction can be no greater than the fair market value of the donated property.
There are many articles and reports explaining these complicated and cumbersome rules in detail. Here are some interesting facts that may help you with reference to estates and trusts:
We have a tax and estate attorney who will be happy to guide your own attorney or financial planner with donations to us via your will, estate, or trust. For more details on contributions of wills, estates, or trusts please contact
I – STOCKS & BONDS Stocks, Bonds, and Life Insurance Donations: B-CC Rescue Squad gratefully accepts marketable securities of stocks and bonds. Additionally we can be made the beneficiary of life insurance policies. Charitable contributions of appreciated securities (stocks and bonds) provide two potential income tax advantages as follows:
Your stock broker can easily make stock and bond donations directly into the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad investment account at Fidelity Investments detailed below. Donors who wish to leverage their cash donations to B-CC Rescue Squad can use life insurance as an excellent means of accomplishing their goal. By either gifting a policy outright or naming B-CC Rescue Squad as beneficiary, one can provide the Squad with a lasting legacy. Donors can also consider the use of charitable riders on their cash value insurance policies to provide a smaller gift as well. Let us know if we can help you with your life insurance donation. Stock(s) and Bond(s) bequeath can be made directly into our investment account by your stock broker as follows:
Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad
c/o Fidelity Investments
DTC # 0226
Account # Z72-899941
FEIN: 52-0583872
We also request that your stock broker notify us via e-mail when making a stock or bond bequest with the following information:
B-CC Rescue Squad will consider real estate donations.
A real estate donation can significantly reduce your legal and tax liabilities on property you donate and more efficiently attain personal financial goals while also supporting the Squad. All bequests of real estate must have a recent real estate appraisal and level three environmental survey. All bequests of real estate are individually reviewed on a case-by-case basis for acceptability by the Squad.
Please contact
Vehicle Donations for Training:
Used vehicles to Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad allow our fire fighters to practice vehicle extrications to hone their skills and teach new members how to carefully extricate people from vehicles involved in accidents. Continuous training on donated used vehicles allows our first- responder fire fighters and EMS personnel to be ready for each and every extrication call. Our Heavy Rescue Squad trucks are involved in many vehicle extrications on our local streets as well as on Interstate 495 and Interstate 270.
Used vehicle donations are fully tax-deductible under the current IRS regulations based upon their fair market value.
All vehicle donations are acknowledged by our letter to donors and are acceptable to the IRS under the current regulations.
To donate your used vehicle, please contact Lt. Purcell at 301-652-0077 (weekdays between 8-6) or via e-mail for details.
Gifts In-Kind can be very helpful for the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad. As examples, we have received the following items:
We carefully review all gift in-kind donations to be certain that these contributions can readily be used at the Squad. Please contact
Donations to Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Our IRS Federal EIN number is 52-0583872.
We have an attorney available to discuss your planned charitable gift, if needed. We look forward to discussing with you a specific strategy for your donation.
Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions
Register and always use Amazon Smile when shopping to donate a portion of your purchases to BCCRS; it adds up!